Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Getting it together!

Well we've survived our first full week in Georgia! It's rare that both girls are taking naps so I figured this would be a perfect opportunity to make an entry to pass the time and while my freshly mopped floor dries!

I'm sad to admit but I've been fighting the negativity bug the last few days. It's been a little frustrating trying to get my flow going as far as normal operations of the house. For one, getting used to a three hour time difference is harder than I thought. I knew it was going to be tough, but ya know. I haven't been sleeping very well for many reasons. For one, I'm tired when I should be awake and awake when I should be sleeping. I'm sure at some point it will settle out and we'll all be on decent schedules. Brielle is the best of all of us. It only took a day or two and she has been going like a champ (as long as mommy is within sight)! Poor Anelise is still working on sleeping in her own bed. The last couple nights were better than the rest. Which comes to the second reason that it's been hard to sleep. Let's just say Anelise likes to flip like a pancake and kick like she swimming; while sleeping. The other parts of my frustration stem from living in the midst of boxes and suitcases with no furniture! I didn't think it would be that bad but I'm really missing just having a couch! We've been shopping a couple of times but as some seasoned parents well know, furniture shopping with kids it quite the test of your sanity and patience. We had some successful finds last night so we'll see if they work out. There's still a ton of unpacking and organizing to do but I've pretty much completed the kitchen and working on the rest. My biggest goal now is to get ready for furniture to move in and get the kid's toy area up and going.

Brielle is realizing the hazards of climbing on cardboard boxes. She actually attempted this climb twice and got stuck. As you can see, she wasn't very happy about this! I did have to giggle a little bit when I pulled her out from under the duct tape web!

We have some amazing and wonderful friends already and have been a big help to me as we figure this place out! We had dinner with the Rushton family on Saturday and loved playing with their two girls that are in close age with Anelise and Brielle. We're excited for another play date soon! We've had others come by and help with unpacking and bringing us a dinner. I love how no matter where you go, your church family is always there, ready and willing to lend a helping hand! I hope to be able to return the favor!

Well til we meet again, we're doing great and adjusting well. There's a few little bumps in our road but that's what patches are for! I'm grateful for my heavenly father and to be able to pray to him when I need his help and guidance. He's been hearing from me a lot lately!!

Thanks to Grammie and Papa Dennis in WA, the girls have a wonderfully fun play kitchen. They've been playing non-stop! Anelise is the perfect little hostess in training! Brielle is a great sous chef to her big sister. Just give her a bowl and a spoon and she'll stir and stir! They're even had their first celebrity guests! On the menu: "treats mommy, yummy treats!"

Friday, March 30, 2012

The start of it all!

Well there's no better day than today to start a family blog! Celebrating new and prosperous beginnings. I hope this will be a fun place to share our memories and events to come!

Anelise loves playing with her new bubble hurricane toy! We're going through a lot of bubble solution! You also get to see our pretty view from our back porch!